
Total de membros 85
Average Efficiency
Average WN8
Provinces total 0
Total income
Visit clan page
Clans ranking
Average WN8 79
Total income -
Provinces total -
A group of avocado toast eating, old spice using, Big ArSS tank soap hating, apple watch wearing tankers!

If wn8 200 or less and 20k Games or more apply we need intel officers.

If big ArSS tank soap and a reroll that thinks win8 matters, apply we need intel officers.

If buying, everything has a price please address Fdeg with all inquiries.

If sexy XXX voice we have TeamSpeak and use mouthwash.

If bad @ memes Discord, If you like to be poked Slack.

If diplomacy we require old spice, $$$ or USMC challenge coins if none no diplo.

If CW, log off NA server go to EU or RU servers.
Clan stronghold
Nível 9
Number of Zones 4
Buildings count 8
Average buildings level 8.38


No relationships

Add relationship | Relationships from other clans

X tier vehicles

256 196 157 35 32
Detailed list of vehicles

Recent transfers

22.04.2024 MomssSpaghetti
21.04.2024 xxXTank_DestroyerXxx
21.04.2024 22dragoon
18.04.2024 YYZH
18.04.2024 ReyVikingo
18.04.2024 Altered_Beast_
18.04.2024 dark_leon15
15.04.2024 longshoot15
15.04.2024 ZeBRa500
15.04.2024 Red_Venom99

Important moments

25.05.2016 Lost province
20.05.2016 New province
19.05.2016 Lost province
02.05.2016 New province
01.05.2016 Lost province
28.04.2016 New province
18.04.2016 Lost province
15.04.2016 New province
31.03.2016 Lost province
30.03.2016 New province

Mapa Global

Batalhas 877 139 392 346
Win rate 48.23% 55.4% 45.66% 48.27%
Elo 1084 1087 994
No provinces
Battle schedule
No battles planned


# Jogador Efficiency WN8 Win Rate
671 578 49.08%
761 1 053 51.49%
925 1 137 45.03%
2 313 3 150 56.25%
915 1 082 50.1%
907 1 291 49.55%
1 163 1 859 53.82%
901 984 47.45%
1 146 1 683 53.61%
1 213 1 870 54.36%
1 065 1 259 48.82%
885 683 48.44%
1 236 1 528 50.92%
1 481 2 124 57.84%
1 291 1 969 51.57%
1 152 1 645 53.63%
820 974 48.96%
778 639 46.84%
3 546 10 190 100%
1 136 1 434 54.01%
1 209 1 204 55.2%
2 428 4 923 80%
992 1 102 50.48%
1 032 1 202 49.38%
994 1 528 50.07%
835 872 47.68%
988 1 232 50.36%
919 772 46.28%
1 716 2 592 65.63%
1 225 1 739 53.71%
2 316 6 077 100%
1 406 2 188 55.54%
1 158 1 509 51.37%
940 1 098 48.89%
926 1 187 47.95%
692 843 47.36%
769 944 45.74%
1 182 1 651 51.16%
837 853 47.61%
1 190 1 540 51.38%
3 046 12 893 75%
1 236 1 824 54.41%


Full charts

Average WN8

Total de membros

Total income

Provinces total

X tier vehicles