Grow uP Gaming


Total members 67
Average Efficiency
Average WN8
Provinces total 0
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Clans ranking
Average WN8 274
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Provinces total -
Se você acredita em Deus será chamado para o nosso clã.
Aqui somos todos voluntários em construir algo muito maior que nossas vaidades e desejos.
Pregadores da fé e da família como bençãos as quais Deus concedeu aos Homens certos, justos e corretos.
Não somos nenhuma religião mais somos todas elas respeitadas e adquiridas na convivência e respeito assim como disse meu Senhor....
Por favor junte-se a Nós
Nestor Wasser Gonçales

If you believe in God you will be called to our clan.
Here we are all volunteers to build something far greater than our vanities and desires.
Preachers of faith and family as blessings which God has bestowed on right, just and right men.
We are not any religion but we are all respected and acquired in the coexistence of respect, coexistence and learning as my Lord said ....
Please join us
Nestor Wasser Gonçales
Clan stronghold
Tier 10
Number of Zones 4
Buildings count 8
Average buildings level 9.13


No relationships

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X tier vehicles

116 75 75 17 24
Detailed list of vehicles

Important moments

22.07.2021 Lost province
21.06.2021 Lost province
21.06.2021 Lost province
20.06.2021 New province
18.06.2021 New province
17.06.2021 Lost province
16.06.2021 Lost province
14.06.2021 New province
14.06.2021 Lost province
14.06.2021 Lost province

Global Map

Battles 571 128 0 443
Win rate 36.43% 51.56% - 32.05%
Elo 969 1000 897
No provinces
Battle schedule
No battles planned


# Player Efficiency WN8 Win Rate
1 040 1 311 47.53%
523 267 48%
650 405 46.04%
1 083 1 519 49.67%
1 140 1 452 51.96%
807 857 49.8%
766 709 47.06%
837 813 47.68%
738 878 45%
744 645 45.52%
1 319 1 327 51.11%
462 730 19.23%
906 969 49.8%
827 570 39.43%
951 1 152 49.85%
951 749 45.73%
1 095 1 948 56.86%
1 009 1 219 49.07%
1 003 312 48.65%
943 1 140 49.31%
770 685 46.15%
708 517 46.59%
1 121 1 111 44.25%
858 743 46.11%
1 047 1 068 49.54%
925 688 47.8%
781 715 45.65%
658 456 44.47%
1 070 1 171 49.27%
943 891 45.65%
2 115 4 455 55.7%
913 756 46.14%
1 247 1 469 48.05%
775 734 48.97%
1 255 1 592 45.42%
940 1 145 49.41%
1 187 1 138 48.63%
1 762 259 41.67%
898 457 28%
710 643 44.31%
463 562 47.73%
698 644 46.77%
307 52 0%
2 394 4 631 80%
971 1 412 50.58%
1 207 1 131 45.71%
966 895 47.64%
1 022 1 328 44.78%
1 028 1 485 51.22%


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Average WN8

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