
Team SoC


Total members 68
Average Efficiency
Average WN8
Provinces total 0
Total income
Visit clan page
Clans ranking
Average WN8 -
Total income -
Provinces total -
Apply at www.teamsoc.net

We have a community clan under the tags SOC_2.

We are a clean and respectful group who enjoy playing games. We are a faith based group that bases our actions upon biblical teachings. You do not need to accept our beliefs to join us, as long as you are willing to follow our Clan rules.

Apply at www.teamsoc.net

_Acceptance as a recruit into this in-game clan does not give you acceptance into the clan as a whole._
Clan stronghold
Tier 9
Number of Zones 4
Buildings count 8
Average buildings level 8.63


No relationships

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X tier vehicles

74 65 61 17 6
Detailed list of vehicles

Recent transfers

15.11.2023 clackityclackity
06.10.2022 TeXwAlKeR
30.09.2022 Niranozan
27.08.2022 Contritio
18.04.2022 Borwyn
17.04.2022 Shylan
11.07.2021 Divots
14.03.2021 S1lentHunter
22.02.2021 Trojan5
14.02.2020 ziplock_prime

Important moments


Full charts

Average WN8

Total members

Total income

Provinces total

X tier vehicles